Healing People, Not Patients

November 16, 2017 -
5:30pm to 8:30pm

Jonathan Weinkle, MD, FAAP
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Family Medicine

Abstract: Effective communication is one of the six “core competencies” that physicians are meant to master in residency training. Yet the hidden curriculum of time pressures, procedure-based billing, and overwork leaves little time for teaching this crucial skill. Patients report feeling dehumanized and devalued when their providers interrupt them, rush them to make critical decisions, fail to explain diagnoses and procedures, and misunderstand or ignore the real reason they have sought medical attention. This workshop focused on building a covenant between patient and provider based on deep, respectful communication. Participants were able to choose to hone their skills in agenda setting, reflective listening, or negotiating a plan of care. 

The Jewish Healthcare Foundation Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative