The Promise and Perils of Social and Behavioral Genomics

January 25, 2023 -
1:00pm to 4:15pm

Abstract: How has genetic evidence played a role in events such as the 2022 Buffalo mass shooting and extremist violence? How has the incomplete reckoning of the history of scientific racism and eugenics in genetics/genomics led to harmful ideologies and compromised scientific integrity? A recent news feature similarly explores the implications from this field of research. Now more than ever, scientists and scholars must understand these connections to safeguard human health and safety. This program will discuss social and behavioral genetics and genomics, its benefits, limitations, and potential for misuse. Panelists will discuss strategies for scientists to combat misinformation, disinformation, and misuse of scientific findings.

Program agenda and participant biographies with additional resources

Sponsored by the National Human Genome Research Institute

Location and Address
