Applying Racial Equity Awareness in Data Visualization

September 21, 2021 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm

Jonathan Schwabish, PhD
School of Public Affairs
American University

Alice Feng, MS
The Urban Institute, Washington, DC
​Senior Data Scientist, Natera

Abstract: How can analysts, researchers, and developers apply a race- and ethnicity-conscious lens to their data analysis and data visualization work? How can researchers adopt a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) perspective regarding their research, data, and visualizations? Just as we carefully consider our written words, we should be equally careful in how we visually present data to our readers, users, and audiences, including the words we use in and around those visuals. Taking a DEI perspective means considering how the specific lived experiences and perspectives of the people and communities we are studying, as well as our readers, will perceive information and carry that information forward.

In this talk, Jonathan Schwabish and Alice Feng, authors of the recently published Do No Harm Guide: Applying Equity Awareness in Data Visualization, discuss a variety of techniques that data visualization producers should consider. (A related reading group will meet September 24; see below.)

View online here. This webinar is also available on the Year of Data and Society website.

Location and Address
