Treat Donors Like Philanthropists: Overcoming Barriers to Kidney Donation from Living Donors

September 13, 2021 -
7:00pm to 8:00pm

Martha Gershun, MBA
Nonprofit consultant, writer, community volunteer, and living kidney donor

John D. Lantos MD
​Glasnapp Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Bioethics
Director, Children's Mercy Bioethics Center
Children’s Mercy Kansas City
Professor of Pediatrics
UMKC School of Medicine

Abstract: In Kidney to Share, Martha Gershun describes the complex process by which kidney donors are vetted to ensure that they are physically and psychologically fit. John D. Lantos, a physician and bioethicist, places Gershun's story in the larger context of the history of kidney transplantation and the ethical controversies that surround living donors. Gershun and Lantos observe the expertise—and the shortcomings—of doctors, nurses, and other professionals and illuminate the burdens that are placed on people who are willing to donate. The combination of perspectives provided in their book—and in this talk—provides a profound and compelling exploration of a largely opaque practice. Gershun and Lantos pull back the curtain to offer readers a more transparent view of the fascinating world of organ donation.

View online here.

Presented in conjunction with Kaliane Ung’s course Ailing Bodies: Narratives of Health and Illness

Location and Address
