WEBINAR: The Law and Ethics of Risky Physical Intimacy--When Love Can Hurt

February 21, 2018 -
11:00am to 12:00pm

Overview:    During this presentation Mr. Korman will explore criminal and civil liability for transmission of serious pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis and other STIs and address some related questions of disclosure, consent, prevention and risk.  We will also discuss the rationale, fairness and other considerations related to enhanced sentencing for persons with STIs who knowingly engaged in sex work.   Finally, we will discuss how(if) it is possible to find a balance of rights and obligations.  How best to assess  risk?  What is the obligation to disclose?  Should there be an exclusion of inculpatory evidence for public health reasons?  What about encouragement and rewards for safer-sex practices in sex-work?

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